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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I post my ad?

  1. Our moderators will review your ad very carefully and if all the fields are filled out correctly, it will be activated shortly.
  2. You can find your advert on our website only when it is approved by our moderators.
  3. You will get a notification email when your advert is active. If there is something wrong with your advert, you will be notified about that and all the mistakes will be specified so that you can edit your advert correspondingly.
  4. After publishing your advert, you can edit it again if needed and repost. Once done, your advert undergoes moderation before being activated on the website.  
  5. You can delete or close your advert any time you want. You just have to click on Close button placed under the ad or click on the cross placed on the top right corner of the ad.
  6. You shouldn’t publish adverts of the same content. They will be considered duplicates by our moderators and won’t go active on the website.
  7. You can always manage your ads by logging in to your Jiji account and clicking on My Adverts.