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Frequently Asked Questions

Posting rules

Following rules are required while you are posting adverts on JiJi:

  1. Every advert must have a precise title.
  2. Every advert should contain only unique images (taken by the seller and not downloaded from the Internet) without any contact information or watermarks.
  3. Every advert of cars or phones must contain images.
  4. Make sure you chose an appropriate category. Be attentive choosing a category for a job proposal and/or a resume.
  5. The prices of your items must correspond to the real prices of similar products.
  6. All posted products and/or services must be located in Ethiopia.
  7. All items and products must be legally permitted.
  8. Each item for sale must be posted separately. You cannot post several products within one and the same advert.
  9. Every advert must contain a brief and clear description.