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Agriculture & Food
320 results for
Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
in Ethiopia
Agriculture & Food
Farm Machinery & Equipment
| 93
Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
| 320
Farm Animals
| 46
Meals & Drinks
| 1052
All Ethiopia
Price, ETB
Under 200
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200 - 700
• 76 ads
700 - 3.2 K
• 128 ads
3.2 - 7.5 K
• 80 ads
More than 7.5 K
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Flower Seeds
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Fruit Seeds
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Herb Seeds
• 13 ads
Perennial Seeds
• 3 ads
• 78 ads
Vegetables Seeds
• 13 ads
• 156 ads
Feeds, Supplements & Seeds in Ethiopia
ETB 1,998
Authentic Organic Chia Seed 1kg
Are you looking for the perfect addition to your daily diet? Look no further than chia seeds! Chia...
ETB 2,700
ክሬቲን ፖውደር ለጡንቻ ጥንካሬ
Creatine powdet የቱንም ያህል የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴ ቢሰሩ፤ ጂም ቢያዘወትሩ የሰውነትዎን ጡንቻዎች ካልጠገኑ እና ተመጣጣኝ ፕሮቲን ካልወሰዱ......
ETB 450
የግቢ፣ የበረንዳ ተክል _ Ficus Outdoor Plant
ለመኖሪያና ንግድ ቤት በረንዳ የሚያደምቁ ለሁሉም የአየር ፀባይ ተስማሚ በተለያዩ መጠን ያሉ ተክሎች አድራሻ :- አዲስ አበባ መገናኛ ከአትሌት ደራርቱ ቱሉ...
ETB 3,000
Mushroom Products
Oyster Mushroom Products which has high quality and fresh products.
ETB 3,500
Onion Tomatoes Seed
Yemen onions seeds 500g N 3 OC PoreCh Germ 75% Purity 99% Bakkers brothers Tomatoes Seeds
ETB 2,600
Kirkland Almond Seeds 1.36kg
Kirkland alomnds 1 kg
ETB 1,800
ቺሃ ሲድ ውፍረት ለመቀነስ
ቺያ ሲድ ለቆዳ ውበት ለመክሳት ለጸጉር እድገት የደም ውስጥ ስኳር ለመቀነስ ከፍተኛ ካልሽየም ስላለው ለጥርስ ጥንካሬ ይረዳል የሰውነት እብጠትን...
ETB 250
Tsehay Moringa
160 g moringa yalubet enadersalen
Bulk prices
ETB 6,000
Himalaya Liver Care
Traditional medicine based on Ayurveda, the blend of herbs jn liver care protects from free radical...
ETB 40
Plumy Nuts (France)
High in protien used for muscle building and treat malnuitration
ETB 3,500
Salted Mixed Nuts
Salted mixed nuts available in our shop it has multi uses imported from USA Contact us...
ETB 2,800
Kidus Yared
ታላቅ ቅናሽ 30 ቀን የሚቆይ ይደውሉና ይግዙ ክፍለ ሀገር እንልካለን
ETB 4,500
Prenatal Follic Acid + DHA
Prenatal Follic Acid + DHA
ETB 240
Coffee for Sell
Reject coffee of guji, for sell to domestic market
ETB 900
Kisses Chocolate
Kisses chocolate sweet chocolate
ETB 2,500
Ashwagandah in Ethiopia
ETB 500
ሮሚ ባልትና Romi Baltena
ሮሚ ባልትና ሽሮ፣በርበሬና ሚጥሚጣ በብዛት እንዲሁም በጥራት እናቀርባለን ለሆቴል፣ለድርጅቶች፣እንዲሁም ለተለያዩ ፕሮግራሞች ። ይዘዙን ባሉበት...
ETB 5,499
Enfamil Neuro Pro
Enfamil Neuro pro milk
ETB 700
Mummy Baletna (ማሚ ባልትና) እቤት ውስጥ የተዘጋጀ በርበሬ
የምናቀርባቸው ምርቶች የባልትና ምርቶች ናቸው እነዚህ ምርቶች በከፋተኛ ጥራትና ከበቂ አቅርቦት ጋር እቤት ውስጥ የሚዘጋጁ ናቸው
ETB 2,000
አልመንድ ለውበት ለጤና የሚረዳ እህል
Almond price 2,000 price
1 - 20 of 320 results
Agriculture Supplements
Flower Seeds & Seedlings
Moringa Seeds
Coconut Tree Seedlings
Pure Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
Organic Moringa Seeds
Mushroom Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
Flavor Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
Ensure Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
Bread Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
Cake Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
Feeds, Supplements & Seeds FAQs
🍀 Which ones are actual in 2024?
Plumy Nuts (France)
ሮሚ ባልትና Romi Baltena
💎 Which ones belong to the premium segment?
Prenatal Follic Acid + DHA
Enfamil Neuro Pro
Himalaya Liver Care
💰 Which ones are the cheapest?
Plumy Nuts (France)
Coffee for Sell
Tsehay Moringa