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Electrical Hand Tools
42 results for
Iron Electrical Hand Tools
in Ethiopia
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Air Blowers
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Angle Grinders
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Paint Mixers
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Soldering Irons
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Spray Guns
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Iron Electrical Hand Tools in Ethiopia
Angle Grinders
Heat Guns
ETB 19,800
Edon Electrical Tools Box Toolbox Electrical Toolset
ኤሌክትሪካል ቱል ቦክስ ድሪል ግራይንደር እና ቻርጀር ድሪል የተለያዩ አክሠሠሪዋች ያሉት Edon toolset with drill and Grinder 100PCS...
Bulk prices
Brand New
ETB 21,500
Edon Tools Box 100 PCS
Edon toolset with drill and Grinder 100PCS variable speed control professional household use...
Brand New
ETB 14,500
Iron Share 20V Rechargeable Hammer Drill
,አይረን ሻርክ በቻርጅ የሚሠራ 20V ባለሁለት ባትሪ ሀመር ድሪል Iron shark 20V 2Batt+Charger 26mm SDS Battery Crushing...
Brand New
ETB 13,800
Gordak 952
SOLDERING STATION GORDAK 952 - 270W Gordak 952 Soldering Station + Heat Gun 2 in 1 SMD BGA Rework...
Brand New
ETB 1,600
Soldring Iron 300 Watt Finder
300 watt orginal finder Call me094********* 1600 birr
Brand New
ETB 6,800
Iron Shark Spray Gun 850w
ይሄን የመሳሰሉ ጥራታቸውን የጠበቁ የኮንስትራክሽን እቃዎች በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ እናቀርብሎታለን አድራሻ :- ፒያሳ በዚ ይደውሉልን093*********.
Brand New
ETB 19,800
Edon Toolset With Drill and Grinder
Edon toolset with drill and Grinder 100PCS variable speed control professional household use...
Brand New
ETB 1,600
Soldering Iron 60W
Temperature control soldering iron 60W •መጨመሪያ መቀነሻ ያለው 60W ካውያ
Brand New
ETB 2,000
Finder Soldering Iron
ይሄን የመሳሰሉ ጥራታቸውን የጠበቁ የኮንስትራክሽን እቃዎች በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ እናቀርብሎታለን አድራሻ :- ፒያሳ በዚ ይደውሉልን093*********.
Brand New
ETB 2,700
Finder Soldering Iron 300w
<ይሄን የመሳሰሉ ጥራታቸውን የጠበቁ የኮንስትራክሽን እቃዎች በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ እናቀርብሎታለን አድራሻ :- ፒያሳ በዚ ይደውሉልን093*********
Brand New
ETB 5,000
ቀለም መቀቢያ Paint Spray Gun
Compressor ቀለም መቀቢያ Paint Spray gun ለሁሉም አይነት ቀለም Meakida 500w 4700 ብር Iron shark 850w 5800 ብር Ingco...
Bulk prices
Brand New
ETB 65,000
Iron Shark Spray 2200w
Original iron shark 2200w በባልዲ በhose የሚሰራ
Brand New
ETB 21,500
Toolbox With Full Accessories
ኤሌክትሪካል ቱል ቦክስ ድሪል ግራይንደር እና ቻርጀር ድሪል የተለያዩ አክሠሠሪዋች ያሉት Edon toolset with drill and Grinder 100PCS...
Brand New
ETB 5,800
Iron Shark Spray Gun
,የቀለም ኤሌክትሪካል መቀቢያ ስፕሬገን Iron shark Spray gun 850 W Volyage 220V Frequency 50 - 60Hz Capacity...
Brand New
ETB 5,500
Iron Shark 800w Jigsaw
, አይረን ሻርክ ጂክሳ Iron shark JIG SAW Voltage 220-240V Power 850 W Lode n. 600-3000r/min ዋጋ...
Brand New
ETB 21,500
Edon Multi Functional Toolbox 100pcs
,ኤሌክትሪካል ቱል ቦክስ ድሪል ግራይንደር እና ቻርጀር ድሪል የተለያዩ አክሠሠሪዋች ያሉት Edon Multi-functional Toolbox Electric...
Brand New
ETB 4,800
Heat Gun Hot Air Gun
አይረን ሻርክ ሂትገን በ3 ደረጃ 2575ዋት iron shark 3 stages heat gun 2575w ๏voltage:220v-240v~50/60hz ๏input...
Bulk prices
Brand New
ETB 7,500
Iron Shark Tremmer
, ሮተር የክንጨት ቅርፅ ማዉጫ በአንድ እጅም በሁለት እጅም የሚሠራ ከነ ባክሱ iron sherk electrical router or trimmer power...
Brand New
ETB 3,600
Heat Gun Hot Air Gun
Hot Air Gun Heat Gun Power 2000W Ingico 3850 ብር Vido 3600 ብር Meakida 3000 ብር Iron 3400 ብር : ያሉን...
Brand New
ETB 8,700
Iron Shark Charg Grinder
iron shark charg grinder price =8700birr call092********* free delivery
Brand New
1 - 20 of 42 results
Soldering Iron Electrical Hand Tools
Iron Electrical Hand Tools FAQs
🍀 Which ones are actual in 2025?
Edon Electrical Tools Box Toolbox Electrical Toolset
Soldering Iron 60W
Edon Tools Box 100 PCS
💎 Which ones belong to the premium segment?
Edon Multi Functional Toolbox 100pcs
Toolbox With Full Accessories
Iron Shark Spray 2200w
💰 Which ones are the cheapest?
Soldering Iron 60W
Soldring Iron 300 Watt Finder
Finder Soldering Iron