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29436 results for
Commercial Equipment & Tools
in Ethiopia
Commercial Equipment & Tools
Industrial Ovens
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| 158
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| 26957
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All Ethiopia
Price, ETB
Under 3.5 K
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3.5 - 10 K
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10 - 27 K
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27 - 37 K
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More than 37 K
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Commercial Equipment & Tools in Ethiopia
ETB 31,000
ዌልቸር Used Multi Wheelchair*Wheelchair*Wheelchair'wheelchair
ያሉበት እናደርሳለን ለመረጃ ይደውሉ ፖፖ ያለው ወደዋላ መተኛት የሚችል መዘርጋት እና እንደ አልጋ የሚሆኑ ለማስታመም ምቹ አድራሻ 22 ትጋት የገባያ...
ETB 297,500
Rechargeable Solar Lithium_oin Battery
G-Power ጀነሬተርን የሚተካ ከፀሐይ ኃይል (Solar Panel) እና በኤሌክትሪክ ሃይል ቻሪጅ የሚደረግ እጅግ ዘመናዊ #ሊትየም ባትሪ...
ETB 17,000
Wheelchair/Wheelchair/Basic Rexine 104x69x88cm Wheelchair
Wheelchair Features:Lightweight&Foldable Easy to use Price 17,000birr Free delivery...
ETB 19,000
Propelled Wheelchair) Manual Wheelchair Wheel Chair
Economy Self-Propelled Wheelchair constructed from a steel frame with black powder coating. Economy...
ETB 36,999
Reclining Commode Almunium Wheelchair ወደዋላ መተኛት እና መዘርጋት የሚቺሉ ፖፖ ያላቸውና እግራቸውን በተፈልገው ቦታ ላይ አደርጎ መጠቀም...
Bulk prices
ETB 12,500
Toilet Chair Safety Frame for Seniors Bariatric Shower Chair
Commode chair Toilet_chair Medical chair Popo,potty chair Foldable Height-Adjustable Lightweight...
ETB 19,000
Folding wheelchair free delivery
ETB 29,499
ALMUNIUM WHEELCHAIR COMMODE የሚተጣጠፍ እና ዝገት የማይዙ መነቃቀል እና መታጠብ የሚቺሉ ከአልሙንይም የተሰሩ ዘመነኛውን...
Bulk prices
ETB 36,999
Wheelchair=Weelchair°Fbath Wheelchair6wheelchair]ዊልቸር
Sleeping Strong built wheelchair Commode Wheelchair
ETB 12,500
Commode Chair/Toilet Chair/Foldbale Chair/New Chair/Eldery
Commode Chair/toilet Chair/foldbale Chair/new chair/eldery chair Medical portable steel toilet Chair...
ETB 4,500
Supportive Stick Crutches=Crunches=Crutches+Crutches=Crunche
Supportive arm pit crutches Almunium hollow crutches Strong foldae Crunches Easy to use Amazingly...
ETB 17,000
Wheel_chair/Wheelchair/| Climbing Wheelchair FBO B 09
New brand/ wheelchair Folding wheel_chair Lightweight Made of stainless steel Price 17,000birr...
ETB 4,500
Crutches አግዚለሪ ንፁ የሚመች ለስብራት የብብት Crutches Crunch ክራንች
ክራንች almunium strong Brand new crutches almunium foldable Adjustable height easy to use...
ETB 29,499
WheelchairManual ComodeWheelchairWheelchairWheelchair
Normal Poty wheelchair Commode Wheelchair
ETB 4,499
Axillary Bilateral CrutchesUnder Arm CrutchesCrutchesብብት
Bilateral axillary Crutches Adjustable height crutches Good ceramics grip crutches
ETB 7,999
Walker Fabilous Walker for Adult Rehabilitation Clinical ወከር
Walker European standard Brand new Walking aid Manual walker
ETB 12,500
Commode Chair Shopee
2 in 1 over toilet aid and toilet seat Weight capacity: 100kgs Recommended for Seniors, Aged care,...
ETB 4,499
Crutches Axillary Bilateral Hospital CrutchesBariatric
Bariatric axillary bilateral Two way crutches Adjustable Nlrmal crutches
ETB 37,000
Toilet Wheelchair圳wheelchair With Detachable Arm Footrest
Multifunctional wheelchair For patients, disabled and elderly Toilet&sleeping medical wheelchair...
ETB 120,000
Liebherr 142L Medline Refrigerator
Liebherr 142L medline refrigerator
121 - 140 of 29 436 results
Medical Supplies & Equipment
Manufacturing Equipment
Blood Pressure Monitor
Stage Lighting & Effects
Store Equipment
Restaurant & Catering Equipment
Printing Equipment
Walking Medical Supplies & Equipment
Steel Crutches
Foldable Wheelсhairs
Portable Medical Supplies & Equipment
Blood Medical Supplies & Equipment
Light Stage Lighting & Effects
Steel Wheelсhairs
Led Stage Lighting & Effects
Bp Medical Supplies & Equipment
Bp Blood Pressure Monitor
Manual Wheelсhairs
Cable Stage Lighting & Effects
Bowl Medical Supplies & Equipment
Sewing Manufacturing Equipment
Stand Medical Supplies & Equipment
Digital Store Equipment
Trolley Medical Supplies & Equipment
Digital Commercial Scales
Laser Manufacturing Equipment
Mixer Manufacturing Equipment
Compressor Manufacturing Equipment
Tube Medical Supplies & Equipment
Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor
Office Medical Supplies & Equipment
Engraving Manufacturing Equipment
Modern Medical Supplies & Equipment
Oven Industrial Ovens
Brace Medical Supplies & Equipment
Plastic Manufacturing Equipment
Saw Manufacturing Equipment
Commercial Equipment & Tools FAQs
🍀 Which ones are actual in 2024?
ዌልቸር Used Multi Wheelchair*Wheelchair*Wheelchair'wheelchair
Axillary Bilateral CrutchesUnder Arm CrutchesCrutchesብብት
💎 Which ones belong to the premium segment?
Toilet Wheelchair圳wheelchair With Detachable Arm Footrest
Liebherr 142L Medline Refrigerator
Rechargeable Solar Lithium_oin Battery
💰 Which ones are the cheapest?
Axillary Bilateral CrutchesUnder Arm CrutchesCrutchesብብት
Crutches Axillary Bilateral Hospital CrutchesBariatric
Supportive Stick Crutches=Crunches=Crutches+Crutches=Crunche