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Addis Ababa, Nifas Silk-Lafto, 25/09

Wooden Door, Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard

Brand New
MDF, Acrylic, Aluminium
Store address
Addis Ababa • Nifas Silk-Lafto
Kera Ayalew building infront of Sofia Mall
Natnael Muluken
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 02:00-11:30
የተለያዩ ስራዎችን እንደ -Kitchen Cabinet, Wooden doors -Cupboard and kitchen cabinets - Almunium works & Stair Case Handrails -Cladding & Curtain walls -Steel Structure -Ceramics & Floor Tiles -Elevator ይዘዙን ያሉበት ድረስ አምጥተን እራሳችን ገጥመን እናስረክባለን። ዋጋ ከInstallation & Delivery ጋር ቫትን ሳይጨምር! ዋጋ በካሬ / Price in m2 ከ2 አመት ዋስትና ጋር ለበለጠ መረጃ ከስር ባለው ስልክ ቁጥር ይደውሉ +
Wooden Door, Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard Wooden Door, Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard Wooden Door, Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard Wooden Door, Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard Wooden Door, Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard Wooden Door, Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard Wooden Door, Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard
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  • Make sure that the packed item is the one you've inspected
  • Only pay if you're satisfied