Solar water heater
ሶላር ውሃ ማሞቂያ
ለመኖርያ ቤት, ለገስት ሃውስ, ሆቴል
የኤሌትሪክ ወጪ ይቆጥቡ
ሙቅ ውሃ ለጤንነት
ሙቅ ውሃ የሰውነት ደም ዝውውርን ያሻሽላል
ባክቴርያና ጀርምን ያስወግዳል
ጡንቻችንን ያፍታታል
residential / commercial
type of collector : evacuated tube collector (etc)
installation type : freestanding
voltage : 220 v
stand frame : aluminium
capacity: 220 litter
including installation
the main use of this technology is in commercial and residential buildings.
price :
free delivery
call us093XXXXXXX