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  5. Ultra Smart Watch Heart Rate Monitors
Addis Ababa, Bole, 04/02

Original Men's Series 8 Ultra Smart Watch (2023 Model)

Smart Watch
Smart Watches
Brand New
Original men's series 8 ultra smart watch new version + all in one የልብ ምትን ይለካል ምን ያህል ካሎሪ እንዳቃጠልን ስፖርት ስንሰራ ይቆጥርልናል ብዙ ሰአት ስንተኛ ይቀሰቅሰናል ቴክስት መላክ እንዲሁም መቀበል የሚችሉበት ከስልክ ጋ በ bluetooth ተገናኝቶ ስልክ መደወል እንዲሁም ማናገር ይቻላ ios and android support. wireless charging crown and side button ips fullview display weight 50g display ips screen size 1.99 inch hd screen compatible os android & ios heart rate sensor g sensor bluetooth v5.0 speaker yes microphone yes multi-sports mode yes heart rate monitor yes blood oxygen monitor blood pressure monitor waterproof ip67 waterproof thermometer blood sugar test sedentary reminder sleep monitor alarm barometer brightness adjusting excellent battery capacity app name hiwatch silicone strap
Original Men's Series 8 Ultra Smart Watch (2023 Model)
ETB 2,800
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