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Addis Ababa, Bole, 24/10

U Shape Maternity Pillow

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Nursing Pillows
Pillow Fills
U shape Maternity Pillow በእርግዝና ወቅት የመኝታ አለመመቸት ፡ የእንቅልፍ ማጣትና የወገብ ህመምን ለመከላከል ነፍሰጡር እናት በመኝታ ወቅት ሆዷንና ወገቧን አቅፎ በወገቧ እና በአልጋው መካከል የሚፈጠረውን ክፍተት ሞልቶና ክብደትን ደግፎ ልዩ ምቾትንና እረፍትን ይሰጣል ለቤተሰብዎ ፣ ለነብሰጡር ጓደኛ እና ዘመድዎ የሚሰጡት ልዩ ስጦታ Pregnancy Pillow Bedding Full Body Pillow for Pregnant Women Comfortable U-Shape Cushion Long Side Sleeping Back Support Maternity Pillows
U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow U Shape Maternity Pillow
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