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  4. 6 Bedrooms Houses & Apartments for Rent
Addis Ababa, Bole, 24/12/2024

6bdrm House in Bole for rent

6 bedrooms
4 bathrooms
Bole Homes
Property Address
Property Size
Fairly Used
Dining Area
Dining Area
Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen Shelf
Kitchen Shelf
The described premises : A G+1 house located at Bole Sub-City - two story house * Ground floor comprising - Living room / Dining Room, Kitchen, Guest bedroom, Guest bathroom and a Family room. * First floor comprising - Master bedroom, Master bathroom with jacuzzi and a separate shower box, Walking closet, 2 Bedrooms and a Bathroom in between, Office and a Large Open Balcony * A detached service quarter building comprising - Servant Bedroom, Shower room, External Wash Space, Store room, Laundry room and a Service Kitchen * Guard House and Carport. * A Front Yard comprising - Space for Barbeque and a beautiful Garden
6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent6bdrm House in Bole for rent
ETB 450,000per month
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  • It's safer not to pay ahead for inspections
  • Ask friends or somebody you trust to accompany you for viewing
  • Look around the apartment to ensure it meets your expectations
  • Don't pay beforehand if they won't let you move in immediately
  • Verify that the account details belong to the right property owner before initiating payment