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Sleeping Bags
ለስራ ለሽርሽር ወይም ለሃይማኖታዊ ጉዞዎች ሲሄዱ በቀላሉ ከቦርሳዎ አውጥተው ተመችቶት የሚተኙበት
ለቤትዎም ጭምር እንግዳ ቢመጣቦት መሆን የሚችል
አጣጣፈዉ እንደ ቦርሳ የሚይዙት
Folds easily into included storage bag096XXXXXXX Safety tips
- Avoid paying in advance, even for delivery
- Meet with the seller at a safe public place
- Inspect the item and ensure it's exactly what you want
- Make sure that the packed item is the one you've inspected
- Only pay if you're satisfied