Modern Office Cabinet
ዘመናዊ የቢሮ ሼልፍ
Managerial Ergonomic chairs
Secretarial and random staff executive chairs
Conference Hall Chairs
Hotel and Cafeteria chairs
Managerial L- Shape Desks
Secretarial and random staff desks
workstations and conference tables
በተጨማሪም ለግል ድርጅቶች ፕሮፎርማ(proforma)እና የሚታወቅ ጫረታ አንሞላለን
በፈርኒቸር ንግድ ወይም ተያያዝ ስራዎች ላይ ከተሰማሩ በቂ ክምችት ስላለን ይደውሉልን።
Price:- 28,500 (Imported)
Price: -18,500(Local)
Mass Price(ለንግድ):- [Call]
Product Code:- KMF052
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. አዲስ አበባ ነፃ
ለክፍለሃገር ደምበኞች ከመርካቶ በሚወጡ የንግድ መኪኖች እንልካለን።