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Addis Ababa, Arada, 1 hour ago

Wood Carving Chisel

Carving Tools
Brand New
Store address
Addis Ababa • Arada
Near Nazareth school 4 kilo
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-18:00
16-Piece Wood Carving Tool Set with Steel Woodworking Chisel Kit, Carving Knife Hand Tool, Wood Carving Chisels with Canvas Bag, Gouges, and Woodworking Chisel Set Sharp Edge: The carving chisel boasts a sharp and precise edge, making it effortless to carve intricate shapes during fine detailing. Premium Wooden Handle: Constructed from durable and finely textured Fraxinus Mandshurica wood, the handle not only exudes beauty but also offers impact resistance. Superior Steel Material: Crafted from top-quality steel, this woodworking chisel exhibits excellent elasticity, high hardness, corrosion resistance, as well as resistance to low and high temperatures, ensuring a long service life and exceptional wear resistance.
Wood Carving Chisel
ETB 3,200
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