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Agriculture & Food
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All Ethiopia
Price, ETB
Under 55
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55 - 1 K
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1 - 4.1 K
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4.1 - 15 K
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More than 15 K
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ETB 1,000
Valentine Cake Red
Valentine cake for Valentine day
ETB 100
Pre-order Cakes
Custom cake ለተለያዩ ፕሮግራሞች የሚሆኑ ቆንጆ ና ለየት ያሉ ጣፋጭ ኬኮችን ፣ ካፕ ኬኮችን እና ኩኪሶችን በትእዛዝ እንሰራለን:: ቀደም ብለው...
ETB 3,000
Chocolate Bars , Reese ,Twix ,Snickers,Kinder in Quantity
Any type of chocolate no pre order payment
ETB 13,000
Gold Label
Gold label 1 liter imported from USA (original)
ETB 900
Nescafe 3in 1
Nescafe price -900birr Free delivery Bethel-mk building G-16 093********* Alzammart
ETB 3,000
Natural Flower
Beauty flower and chocolate
ETB 5,200
Creatine Micronized
Good for muscles and healthy power
ETB 2,500
Nutella Cream
Nutella chocolate cream avaliable in our shop happy bread with Nutella imported from USA Call...
Gender Reveal Cake
gender reveal Cake ለተለያዩ ፕሮግራሞች የሚሆኑ ቆንጆ ና ለየት ያሉ ጣፋጭ ኬኮችን ፣ ካፕ ኬኮችን እና ኩኪሶችን በትእዛዝ እንሰራለን:: ...
ETB 12,000
Gold Label Reserve
Orginal Gold Label Reserve Whiskey
ETB 3,300
Oreo Chocolate
Oreo price -3300birr Free delivery Bethel-mk building G-16 093********* Alzammart
ETB 3,300
Evergreen Organic Chia Seeds TM
EverGreen organic chia seeds TM ምንም አይነት የጎንዮሽ ጉዳት የሌለው ለሰውነት እና ለጤና አስፈላጊ በመሆኑ ንጥረ ነገሮች የበለፀገ ከmint...
Bulk prices
ETB 70
Plamplet .
Best way to bulk and gein weight
Bulk prices
ETB 2,450
Original Chia Seed
Nature's Intent Organic Chia Seeds Kirkland Chia Seeds Good Source of Calcium, Omega 3 & Iron For...
ETB 900
Boost (Granola Energy Bar)
በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ተፈጥሮአዊ እና ጤናማ የሰውነት ለውጥ ለማምጣት የሚጠቅም Granola Energy Bar ይዘዙን በፈለጉት ብዛት አናቀርባለን 1pack...
Bulk prices
ETB 150
Distilled Water
Distilled water (potable) min purchase 2L, bulk order available, delivery with extra charge.
ETB 1,000
ETB 1,800
ውፍረት መቀነሻ Fit Tea
FIT TEA አስደሳች ዜና እየተዝናኑ ጤናዎን ይጠብቁ ።ሻይ በመጠጣት ብቻ ዉፍረት ሚያሰቀንሰዉን " Fit Tea " ይዘን መተናል ዘና ፈታ እያሉ ሻይ...
ETB 10,500
Gold Standard WHEY (Optimum Nutrition)
Whey protein supplements have been linked to a few health benefits, including promoting weight loss,...
ETB 700
MORINGA(ሽፈራዉ) 1kilo-700birr
ይደዉሉ Call ያሉበት እናደርሳለን #ቦርጭ እና አላስፈላ ስብ ለመቀነስ በተጨማሪም ጡንቻን ለመገንባት ጠቃሚ ነዉ። #በንጥረ ነገሮች የበለፀጉ የሞሪንጋ ዱቄት...
1601 - 1620 of 1 631 results